
JavaScript is for All of Us

And we’re a community that wants to help you succeed in the JavaScript world. WeAllJS is a community composed of a Slack chat, Twitter community, and its adjacent meetups and groups. We’re committed to being supportive, attentive, and inclusive.

WeAllJS is an experiment: We believe that the tech industry as a whole can do better to welcome people, and that we all benefit when everyone has a seat at the table. The community is organized by individuals of various backgrounds experienced in both technical topics and in community building and social issues. It is a project filled with hope and love.

The community welcomes anyone, on any intersection, who feels JavaScript is a part of their professional or personal life and wants to have access to others - anyone from Node.js students to browser experts to Ruby/Rails developers hooking into JS tools, or sysadmins looking to deploy it. Or just those who are curious about it, really.

Join Us

Join the Slack!

Everyone is welcome!

Please note that WeAllJS strives to be a supportive community and expects an appropriate level of respect and mutual understanding. We have a strong Code of Conduct. We do not welcome discrimination, harassment, or any other form of harm against our members, and we prioritize the well-being of those who are hurt over the comfort of those who caused harm. Check out our Culture and Process document for other details about how the community is structured, how channels are managed, and more!

If you’re cool with all that? We’d love to have you! Filling out this form will submit a signup request to the WeAllJS Slack. You should receive an email shortly after.

Having trouble signing up? Send an email to [email protected]!

Please note that invites are rate limited, so it might take us a couple of days to be able to invite you! Don't worry, we'll make sure to get to yours!