Resource Channels Directory
Channels are listed by overall topic. If the channel has a docent, the docent or docents’ name(s) will be listed next to the channel name.
Resource channels can only be created by admins, and are restricted to a couple of categories. See the Culture and Process for more details.
Admins should keep this list updated as channels are created/renamed/removed.
Community and Connection
Channels that are fairly unique and don’t fall into any particular category, and tend to be fairly special cases.
- #announcements
- #community-management
- #introductions
- #learning (docent: @lunitaire)
- #tech-inclusivity
- #watercooler
- #victory
Design, Usability, Aesthetics
- #a11y
- #css (docent: @sam)
- #design
- #i18n
- #typography
- #ui
- #ux
Software Dev, Tools, Languages, and Frameworks
- #angular
- #arthack (docent: @beau)
- #backend (docent: @fen)
- #civic-hacking
- #ecmascript
- #frontend (docent: @sam)
- #functional-js
- #javascript
- #mobile
- #nodebots
- #npm (docent: @kat)
- #ops
- #plt
- #rails (docent: @felltir)
- #react
- #testing
- #typescript
Jobs and Opportunities
Get a job give a job. Make it rain!
- #foss-contributing
- #job-advice
- #job-board
- #mentorship
- #pairing (docent: @sal)
Channels pertaining to the general operation of WeAllJS itself. Discussions about policy, software that helps run the community, and a channel for facilitating conversation.
- #meta
- #meta-enforcement-talk
- #meta-reactji
- #meta-website
- #meta-wheelie-dev
Speaking, listening, visiting beautiful locales, and having a great time seeing folks we don’t get to see so often!
- #conferencing
- #con-andconf
- #con-node-inter-eu
- #con-node-inter-us
Basically for general geographical locations. Welcome to visitors, people living there, and just those who are interested. Channel topics center around local interests or news, including meetups and such.
- #loc-belgium
- #loc-boston
- #loc-brazil
- #loc-chicago
- #loc-dc
- #loc-detroit
- #loc-france
- #loc-germany
- #loc-london
- #loc-mexico
- #loc-nyc
- #loc-oceania
- #loc-out-there
- #loc-pdx
- #loc-philadelphia
- #loc-sandiego
- #loc-seattle
- #loc-sfbayarea
- #loc-toronto
- #loc-uk
- #loc-vancouver